We have all of a sudden been experiencing DVD Architect Pro "Cutting short" our finished videos & we cannot find ANYWHERE a cause/reason for it! This is maddening!! It is NOT that our blank "slug" template is too short either. We set it for 15 minutes - but on average, usually only run somewhere around 7:30 - 8:00 total. Every now & then, up to 9:30-10:00, but even on the "shorter" ones, unvariably, somewhere within what would be the last remaining minute or so (usually right during tandem landing/touchdown, and just before the "how was that" interview) it suddenly just CUTS OFF!

Anyone else ever experience this, and what/where do I go to "fix" this? - It is PERPLEXING!!

The whole production shows all the way through the end within VegasPro as it is "queued up" - and I can also direct from VegasPro, do a MANUAL (direct) DVD burn without issues - - - - It is only when the finished production is then sent to DVD Architect, that it does NOT burn the disc all the way through to the end!


TIA, and blue skies -
Mick Hardy
Hi Grant,

You must have saved one of your DVD Architect templates with a shorter customer video. You need to remove the security from your template, recreate the black slug videos, open the DVDA template, expand the timeline to include all of your black video, save it and then add the security to deny writes so the same thing can't happen again.

I have a busy day of tandems but I'll add some screen shots as soon as I get a chance.

Mick Hardy
Hi Grant,

Hopefully, you've sorted this by now but here are the screenshots as promised.

Mick Hardy attached the following image(s):