Official RunRunVids Frequently Asked Questions.Please check this list before posting. We'll try and keep it up to date.
Q: Which version of Vegas should I buy?
- Vegas Studio does not work with RunRunVids as it has no scripting capability. You need Vegas professional.
- Vegas Pro Edit is fine if you only deliver online or USB and never plan to deliver DVD or Blu-ray.
- Vegas Pro includes DVD Architect and is required if you ever plan to deliver DVD or Blu-ray.
- Vegas Pro 365 is new and hasn’t been tested. Theoretically it should work as it’s just Vegas Pro but on a subscription based license. It may have subtle changes that break RunRunVids.
- Vegas Pro Suite has some additional third party software that is not required by RunRunVids but may be useful.
Q: What computer should I buy?
This is not an easy question to answer as every operation and budget is different.
RunRunVids is a plugin for Vegas so start with the system requirements under the
Vegas specifications .
We have released some
benchmarks with explanations about the computers used and related forum posts linked at the end.
Q: Where do I start?
There is a quick getting started guide available
here .
Q: Can you activate my license?
Your license will activate automatically provided RunRunVids has access to the Internet.
If you're using a firewall to block Vegas from the internet, you're also blocking RunRunVids.
To double check RunRunVids has Internet access, go to Help | Check for updates and ensure the website version is displayed. You need to refresh manually on older versions of RunRunVids.
Q: Everything locks up when exporting photos and I have to kill it using Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Is there a fix to this?
A: This is a Vegas bug. It's caused by saving a snapshot or photo while the video preview window is closed. To fix the issue, close RunRunVids, open an instance of Vegas, open the Video Preview Window (Alt + 4) or reset Vegas window layouts to defaults, then close Vegas and restart RunRunVids.
It was documented and added to the list of bugs for Vegas 9. I added some detail to the bug report and showed how to reproduce it with a new project and a single line of code. The bug still exists in Vegas 15.
A workaround is to use the new FFmpeg utility to capture photos in RunRunVids 2018. Tools | Options | Processing | Use the faster FFmpeg utility to export photos.
Q: When I process a video it tells me I have so many source media to fill zero empty events.
A: You need to insert empty video and audio events into your Vegas template. Right click a track in Vegas and select Insert empty event. Each empty event in Vegas is populated by the selected source media. The order from left to right along the Vegas timeline, regardless of the track directly relates to the listed order of the source media. There is a short Vegas video tutorial on the website. I'll update it when I get a chance.
Q: Why is the end of my DVD missing?
A: DVD Architect will automatically shrink the timeline to accommodate shorter videos but will not expand the timeline to allow for longer videos. When you create your DVD template, you need to use the black video created from the test tab. This video needs to be longer than any video you'll ever create. You must set the DVD Architect template to read-only to ensure any shorter DVDs are not accidentally saved with a truncated timeline. The little yellow triangle in DVD Architect marks the end of the timeline. Ensure this is dragged all the way to the end of your black video.
Q: Why are my source media files out of order?
A: The source media files are sorted alphabetically, not chronologically. If the filenames on the card are not sequentially numbered, they will be out of order. We experienced this issue on the weekend. The first two files on each jump were reversed. Formatting the flash card rectified the issue.
Andrew identified another cause of this issue. On the CX100, if you split a file, it deletes the old file and creates two new files. A new file after this will then be named the same as the deleted file. In other words, files 1,2,3 are on the camera, if you split 2, you end up with 1,3,4,5 and then record a new file, the newest file will assume the name of the missing file, 1,2,3,4,5. The correct chronological order would actually be 1,4,5,3,2
The same situation will occur if you delete a file. If you have 1,2,3,4,5 and delete 2 then the next file recorded will be named 2.
Avoid editing files in the camera. Use RunRunVids if you need to delete or split any videos.
Q: Why are my Blu-ray discs all black?
This is because I've messed up the help documentation. When you create the DVD Architect template do
NOT prepare or burn it. That way, when RunRunVids starts the burn process, the "Use current project" option will be selected and the disc will be created with the customer's video. The next version will have an additional key stroke to force this selection.
I've released a
version with this fix but it's mid life-cycle so only install it if you have this specific problem. Treat it as you would a beta release.
Q: I receive a Cypres Fire message. Can you fix it?
You need to provide me with more information. Open the Windows Event Log and find the Swoopware error under Windows Logs, Application. Copy and paste the details when emailing me so I know where to begin.
Further instructions can be found in the following forum post
Q: What's the best rendering engine to use for USB and YouTube?
I tend to use MP4, which should play on most TV's, Macs and PCs without any special software.
The default Sony Vegas templates require customisation detailed in
this forum post.
Q: Is the software compatible with Apple Mac?
No, RunRunVids is not supported on Apple Macs.
RunRunVids uses Sony Vegas Professional, which has not been released for the Mac. Vegas was recently purchased by Magix. I haven't heard any rumours about a Mac version but if Vegas is ever released for Mac, RunRunVids could potentially support the Mac.