Mick Hardy
Official RunRunVids Frequently Asked Questions.

Please check this list before posting. We'll try and keep it up to date.

Q: Which version of Vegas should I buy?

Q: What computer should I buy?

Q: Where do I start?

Q: Can you activate my license?

Q: Everything locks up when exporting photos and I have to kill it using Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Is there a fix to this?

Q: When I process a video it tells me I have so many source media to fill zero empty events.

Q: Why is the end of my DVD missing?

Q: Why are my source media files out of order?

Q: Why are my Blu-ray discs all black?

Q: I receive a Cypres Fire message. Can you fix it?

Q: What's the best rendering engine to use for USB and YouTube?

Q: Is the software compatible with Apple Mac?