I've had a really good look at this and stepped through all the initialisation code. I've also tested it using archive locations on a Network drive and then purposely broken the Network.
It doesn't make sense during initialisation but when shutting down, TandemVids copies the latest database to the archive location. A large database on wireless takes time to copy across. There must be something else causing the issue. TandemVids doesn't check if the archive locations exist during initialisation, it just loads them from the database. If there is an issue, it won't be picked up until the project is actually archived or TandemVids is closed.
Can you please confirm I have the issue correct? If the archive locations on the archive tab are empty, everything is fine, but as soon as you add an archive location on a Network drive, the next time TandemVids starts, it will be slow?
Does this happen even if you haven't actually archived a customer?
I have other customers using archive locations on NAS servers so I'm sure we'll resolve the issue.
One thing playing in the back of my mind is a firewall issue. You haven't blocked Vegas from the Internet or Network by any chance?
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