Mick Hardy
We've gone to great lengths and invested a heap of time to ensure TandemVids does not steal focus while it works as it did in previous versions.

This means with TandemVids 2018, you can browse the web or check your emails while TandemVids churns away in the background.

If you're still delivering DVD or blu-ray, DVD Architect will steal focus while we send key strokes. This is unavoidable. Wait for the burn to start before returning to your work.

This also occurs when Vegas opens a project created by an earlier version. If you have a template from an earlier version of Vegas stored in TandemVids and you process a customer using this template, Vegas will restore behind TandemVids and steal focus away from whatever you were doing.

The easiest way to rectify this is to import the template into TandemVids using the version of Vegas you intend to use.

You can also fix the situation if the template is already in TandemVids.
  1. Right click the template and select advanced, edit store template.
  2. The template will open in the version of Vegas you're using with TandemVids.
  3. Save the template.
  4. Close Vegas.
  5. Problem solved.

TAndemVids - Edit stored template.jpg Vegas - Upgrade template version.jpg