Hi Mick,

Is it possible to get a quick run through on how to set the music so it starts on the 2nd empty event not the 1st?

Also, wondering if in later release there may be the option to "mute music" except for first or last ( x sec). Simliar to the option mute source audio after or before (x sec).

We wan't to create a handcam template with landing and interview as one event. In this case I was thinking if the option to mute music except first 10 sec's would work well? Do you have any other ideas for this event other than creating two seperate events and having one as a designated post jump interview event?


Mick Hardy
Hey Brian,

We had no internet at work today so I've only just seen this. Sorry! 😁

There is an option to start the music either at the start of the project or the start of the second event - after the black lead in for us. That option is on the first page of the Tools->Options dialog. This effects every video.

If neither of those suit you, you can create a marker in your template. Right click in the area just above the timeline or select where you want the marker and press 'm'. Then name the marker using the 270 Flash Vids->Tools->Vegas Named Markers->Initial Music Start. This copies the name of the marker to the clipboard. There is no need to over-ride the end marker but you can if you want.

You can edit existing templates easily by right clicking the template in 270 Flash Vids and selecting advanced->edit or edit the original template(s) and import them back into 270 Flash Vids. When you import an existing template, your event settings will be maintained.

Mute music is a good idea. Hadn't thought of it. I'll add it to the list.

There is a good reason we don't include the landing and interview as one event. We do try and get the initial landing response, which is allowed for with the mute audio except last x seconds but it will have full music. Then we stand up, brush off the sand, fix the hair, call the kids and fan club down onto the beach, face the sun and run the interview.

I can't think of a good way of combining both in the current version. 😊

Mick Hardy wrote:

If neither of those suit you, you can create a marker in your template. Right click in the area just above the timeline or select where you want the marker and press 'm'. Then name the marker using the 270 Flash Vids->Tools->Vegas Named Markers->Initial Music Start. This copies the name of the marker to the clipboard. There is no need to over-ride the end marker but you can if you want.

Hi Mick,

We installed markers on the template using Initial music start. I have noticed something with it that i'm hoping can be changed. The music starts at the marker, but it's not the actual start of the song. It's a fade up of the music at a point which sounds like it had been playing from the start but was muted until the marker. Is there a way of changing this?


Mick Hardy
That sounds odd and isn't how it's supposed to work. I couldn't reproduce the issue here.

The music should start at the marker at the start of the song without any fade in. There is a fade out at the end of the music but no fade in.

Can you post a screenshot of your timeline like mine?
Mick Hardy attached the following image(s):
Problem solved.

Issue was that the initial start music marker was located on top of the fade between event 1 and 2.

Fix was to reset the marker one frame out from the fade.
Mick Hardy
Just to clarify why this is happening.

Objects on the timeline are shifted left or right to accommodate the resizing of empty events to house the source media. Only items that fall to the right of the end of an empty event are currently moved. This means if the marker was exactly at the end of the first event, it would not be shifted when the first event is resized.

I'll change this behaviour so markers exactly at the end - or to the right of the end of an event - are shifted. This makes more sense.
