These are the current known issues with TandemVids 2018.0.6.0.
Feel free to start new topics or post replies with issues you find and we'll add them to this list if we can replicate them.
1. Vegas throws an error on exit every now and then.
Vegas 15 seems to be the worst offender especially when running multiple instances. We're aware of this issue but have no workaround.
2. When the option to minimise TandemVids is selected, messages may steal the focus from other applications.
This has been replicated in a stand alone simplified project and appears to be a Microsoft bug.
We'll keep working on this but felt the issues fixed in this release to be more important. This new bug is mostly cosmetic.
We're aware of this issue but have no workaround.
3. A few valid license keys are not accepted with the message invalid license key.
Fixed: V2018.0.7.0
The text area where you enter your license key had a maximum length so characters were dropped from the end.
Edited by user
Reason: Not specified