Mick Hardy
  • mick
  • Administration Topic Starter
133 Bug Cities not sorted after new one added
200 Bug Clicking new jump creates an extra one
123 Bug Invalid index if state or city are empty
125 Bug Jump# and title are not updated when grouped changes
124 Bug New States are not sorted
130 Bug Site name constraint gives warning on property changed every key stroke
127 Bug Site name not updated on tab
129 Bug Site unique constraint needs exit as well as name
128 Bug Typing contact name is slow as molasses. Might be sorting on every key stroke.
132 Bug Value cannot be null error after adding a city and state and country
201 Bug Invalid data in the data grid generates a big ugly error
202 Bug Object reference error on contacts display when list is empty
203 Bug Error editing the description before jump details are entered
204 Bug New jumps in the data grid are automatically numbered but aren't marked dirty so the new jump line doesn't appear
205 Bug When editing image description or title, pressing F or Space, jumps to the full screen slide show, which causes an object reference error