Hey Mick,
Tried to figure this out myself but to no avail. Also had a quick search though the forums but haven't found any solutions - but I may have missed something.
Among all our 4 dubbing computers we have begun receiving the following error in our YouTube Uploader: Not Started.
It will allow us to Resume the upload (and sometimes uploads the videos a further 2-10%) but then stops again OR comes up with: "An Error Occured..."
Please see the attached photos. Perhaps this is being caused from the YouTube rendering template being different from our USB one? But I do not see how this could affect it.
I have checked the following:
- All computers are Linked and Authorised to the account (and Passwords have not changed)
- All unfinished uploads appear in our Linked YouTube account as "Preparing Upload"
- Customer footage is still archived on each computer
Thanks in advance,
STBWollongong attached the following image(s):