Hello Mick!

Using version 2014.0.6.0

The version is licensed.

See attached screen shot.

Not sure what I am missing here.
Was this feature removed?

Thanks a ton!

cliffhumit attached the following image(s):
Mick Hardy
Short version:
The YouTube uploads have been moved to a separate application. It should start automatically if you have any uploads queued or in progress. It can also be started from File | YouTube Uploader within TandemVids.

Long version:
Google deprecated the Application Programming Interface (API) and authorisation code TandemVids was using. The new version of the API uses .Net 4.5 and is not backwards compatible with .Net 3.5. Sony Vegas uses .Net 3.5, which is not forward compatible with .Net 4.5. In order to maintain YouTube uploading functionality, I had to rewrite all of the uploading code and move it into a separate application.

There are still a few remaining issues but they are slowly being resolved.

I haven't had time to update the Help file accordingly but it is on my list of tasks.

Mick Hardy attached the following image(s):
Mick Hardy
... and I'm not the only one affected by this annoyance from Google.

YouTube no longer supported on Smart TVs from before 2012 

Because YouTube pulls the plug on its old API, the video site doesn’t work anymore on many Smart TVs from before 2012, Apple TVs from before 2010 and iOS devices running on iOS 6 or earlier versions.

Users of Sony and Panasonic Smart TVs and Blu-ray players from before 2012 and older versions of Apple TV can no longer watch YouTube videos, according to a page on the YouTube site. Also older versions of Google TV are out of luck.

Users on a device running iOS 6 or previous versions, like an old iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch can use YouTube with the Safari browser. By adding a shortcut to the home screen users can still view videos.

The reason YouTube no longer works on older devices is because Google pulls the plug on support of YouTube API V2. Google announced the change a year ago to give developers the opportunity to switch to the new API. However that year has passed and YouTube ceases support for the old API next Monday. It’s unknown how many users are affected by the change.
Mick Hardy
This forum post  may help if you're having trouble logging into YouTube.