Mick Hardy
TandemVids 2018.2.0.0 has been released.

Vegas 8 through 17 are supported along with DVD Architecture 5, 6 and 7.

This release fixes many of the errors logged so far by users around the world. Thanks for your patience. We'll keep monitoring the error log.

Every release of TandemVids can be installed directly over the top of existing installations. Your settings and customers will remain intact.

Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported as they have reached end of life with Microsoft.

Download from the latest version download page .

  ReadMe.rtf (64kb) downloaded 169 time(s).

New features

  • Vegas Professional 17 officially supported
  • Tool tips for cell contents in the YouTube application's data grid to quickly display longer errors in the message column
  • Application verification by Google to present a more user friendly consent screen when requesting YouTube permissions

Bug Fixes

  • When the YouTube application refreshed the list of uploads, an error was triggered. New customers weren't being refreshed with new uploads.