Mick Hardy
Known issues have moved to our issue tracker .

These are the current known issues with RunRunVids® 2020.0.2.0.

1. The help file is missing.

2. Deleting Media Crypt uploads may flag invalid package pricing after deleting either video or photos and halt the deletion for the remaining type of upload.

3. A single photo is intermittently missing from the Media Crypt upload, halting the processing for the customer.

4. The adventure date and time are displayed incorrectly on high dpi screens configured to scale.

5. Rendering always occurs for Media Crypt even if another format has the same rendering template selected.

These are the current known issues with RunRunVids® 2019.0.2.0.

1. The help file is missing.

These are the current known issues with RunRunVids® 2019.0.1.0.

1. The help file is missing.

2. A brand new installation without TandemVids present, will fail on the first attempt. Fixed: V2019.0.2.0

These are the current known issues with RunRunVids® 2019.0.0.0.

1. The help file is missing.

2. Status remains set to queued even though uploading has started when start automatically is on. Fixed: V2019.0.1.0

3. It's possible to switch accounts while uploading or processing. Fixed: V2019.0.1.0

4. Combined price for photos and video was configured even if only video or only photos were uploaded. Fixed: V2019.0.1.0

5. Price for all photos was sent even if no photos were uploaded. Fixed: V2019.0.1.0

6. The staff member can be modified when a customer is opened for processing. Fixed: V2019.0.1.0

7. In the Media Crypt application, certain settings are not saved if the application is closed without switching back to the upload tab. Fixed: V2019.0.1.0

8. The upload tab has no spaces in the name, "MediaCryptUpload" Fixed: V2019.0.1.0