Mick Hardy
TandemVids 2018.0.16.0 has been released.

Vegas 8 through 16 are supported along with DVD Architecture 5, 6 and 7.

This release fixes many of the errors logged so far by users around the world. Thanks for your patience. We'll keep monitoring the error log.

Every release of TandemVids can be installed directly over the top of existing installations. Your settings and customers will remain intact.

Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported as they have reached end of life with Microsoft.

Download from the latest version download page .

  ReadMe.rtf (64kb) downloaded 165 time(s).

New features

  • Go Pro 7 support for cameras mounted upside down - requires Vegas 10 or higher
  • The rotation flag can be displayed in the media details grid
  • The media details thumbnail is displayed correctly for Go Pro 7 inverted videos
  • The Ffmpeg option captures photos correctly from inverted GoPro 7 footage
  • Playing, trimming, freefall times, and velocity envelopes are displayed correctly for inverted GoPro 7 footage
  • The license subscription end date has been added to the title of the About dialog
  • The latest update for the current version is offered before the next major release
  • Releases not covered by the current license are displayed but not downloaded

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed total counts for dvd, blu-ray, usb, folder, YouTube etc.
  • Double message on start if Vegas cannot be found
  • Enter license key window intermittently disappears behind foreground windows
  • Time out on enter license key left the license in an invalid state
  • Error if saved display index greater than grid column totals
  • Offline activation displays local computer name instead of activated computer in error message
  • Parameter incorrect if default start and end of freefall times are invalid
  • Time out on photo progress form overrides the overall time out and fails after 60 seconds