Hi Mick

I need your help please ....

My Swoopware keeps giving the error cypres has fired... what can i do to resolve this?

Warm regards

Edit: Email address removed
Mick Hardy
Hi Mireille,

I've moved your post into it's own topic. You need to send me the details as described in the sticky topic  you originally posted under.

Open your event log in windows and copy the details of the error message.

Also tell me when it occurs. Does it happen on start or during processing? At what stage of the progress does the error occur? Does it happen for every customer or a specific customer?

You need to help me help you.

Mick Hardy
Hi Mireille,

I deleted the email address from your original post. You should never place your email address in plain text on a public website.

Automated bots scour the internet for email addresses and collect them for sale or for spam generators.

Cheers. Mick.
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