A dialogue box pops up early in the process after selecting "start processing" in tandem vids & the Vegas Rendering begins, that says: "Some of the media on the timeline was not trimmed in order to preserve quality". Never saw this before in/with Vegas Pro 11. The dialogue box only provides for an "OKAY", to be acknowledged - - - nothing more really to do, and no options presented... but stops the rendering process until this is clicked. 🤬
Anyone else experience this, and/or know how to suppress this from happening, so that we can skip along our merry ways (as we always used to - no problem!) to our next customers while the process runs on its own? It does not seem to be affecting anything at all in the finished product, other then it requiring the operator to sit here and wait for it to pop up, only then to select "okay" so it can move on. The entire process HALTS otherwise, until this user "OKAY" acknowledgement is made, and this is maddening!!!