Just for completeness, I'll explain it briefly.
It is in the help file under
Home > TandemVids > Tabs > Photos > Photo settings. The online help no longer works in IE11. Use Chrome or Firefox to view the online help. You can also select the Photo tab in TandemVids and press F1 to open the locally installed Help.
On the Photo tab of TandemVids is a field called "Photo folder", which defaults to "D:\Swoopware\TandemVids\Instance 01\Photos". In DVD Architect, set the extras property for your template to this location. File -> Properties in DVDA.
This value is different across instances so ensure you configure your DVDA templates accordingly when running multiple instances. If you use the same extra's folder, Instance 02 customers will receive customer photos from Instance 01. This is a common issue when people copy their DVDA template across instances and forget to change this property. I've done that myself.
When correctly configured, all photos extracted from the video when you select Photos and all photos imported from the two SLR folders when you select SLR, will be copied to the location specified in the "Photo folder". When the DVD is burnt, everything in that folder will be included on the DVD. If you're creating a USB, everything in that folder will be copied to the USB.
I hope this helps.
Cheers. Mick.
Mick Hardy attached the following image(s):